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About Caroline M. Casey :


I am a professional that has experience in corporate & consumer public relations, data analytics, copy-writing & copy-editing, proofreading, and branding. 


My past and present positions include 

- Account Coordinator at BerlinRosen

- Corporate Communications Student Associate at Madison Square Garden

- Publicity Analyst for ButinPR

- VP of Communications for PRSSA at Syracuse University

- VP of Events for PRSSA at Syracuse University


While gaining experience and growing as a professional in my agency role, I am currently freelancing during off-hours to help others while utilizing my other strengths and passions.

Code of Ethics

I have grown up in an environment in which I understand the importance of remaining true to myself and true to the morals I hold close to my heart. With everything I do, I strive to remain humble and centered with purpose in mind. Having a platform such as this website allows me to share my thoughts and experiences, but comes with a responsibility of having fellow readers view my content. Knowing this, I vow to remain:


Transparent - I know that the internet is not always the equivalent of real life. There are many ways in which people choose to forgo their everyday selves in hopes of seeming more likable or desirable online. I will actively strive to be as open and communicative through my writing as possible in order to remain trustworthy as a source of information and as a friend. You can count on me to be honest and truthful in each sentence put forth on this website.


Helpful - I started this website to share my thoughts and experiences with others, while also to give my work and writings a space to live in public. Although the primary goal of an e-portfolio is to promote oneself, I will continue to help others through advice-related blogs and replying to comments containing questions. Furthermore, I invite anyone struggling to create an e-portfolio or online space to reach out to me. I will try my best to advise you in any way I can.


Curious - Even though much of the contents on my site contains achievements or reviews, in no way am I even close to being done learning. I want to continue educating myself through literature, experiences, and academics. Not only will I continue to write about my learnings, but I will be honest in admitting that I will never be an expert on any topic I discuss. Instead, I will strive to share the knowledge I currently have and pursue the chance of learning more about concepts and ideas. 


Diversity and Inclusion

I acknowledge that every person is put on this Earth for different reasons. In the same way that no one will ever share my exact experiences in life, I will never share the experiences that you have lived thus far. In saying this, I want to make clear that I respect and acknowledge the values and ideologies of every individual. I strive to be an ally to all humans alike through showing respect, acceptance, and love to all. Furthermore, I open my contact information and comment sections to any voice that represents different views or ideas than my own. After all, it's a privilege to openly discuss differing opinions in order to educate each other and promote growth. 

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